Workshops & Community Volunteers

Our info-sessions are an introduction to what Restorative Practices, Restorative Justice and Transformative Justice are. The connected deeper dive workshops cover skill building sets such as reflective listening and open ended questions, trauma informed and healing centered approaches laying a stronger foundation to restorative practices in everyday interactions.   

These sessions are required for anyone wishing to become a Community Volunteer. Community Volunteers are most commonly engaged in our Community Resolution / Harm Repair Processes, but as we grow our connections to schools and support circles, strengthen our reentry program for those entering the community from incarceration, and open our referral process beyond court referrals, we look forward to how this role description of walking with a community member might evolve.

Community Volunteers’ role is to support the youth and adults who participate in our programs by fostering accountability, honesty, integrity and empathy while serving as positive role models.

Community Volunteers receive on-going coaching, support and supervision. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.