
3 Info-Sessions & Workshop series



DRJ is excited about co-sponsoring this event!


Ongoing Events and Trainings

We welcome you to join us!

Our Monthly Community Board meetings are the second Thursday of each month from 6:00-7:00. Please reach out if you would like to attend a meeting.

We offer info-sessions and periodic Community Volunteer Trainings. Please let us know if you can not make the next scheduled ones, but would like to be notified of following ones.

Up Coming Info-Sessions:

Our info-session and discussion explore the philosophy and practices of Restorative Practices, Restorative Justice, and Transformative Justice, and offer and introduction to our regional programs.

Zoom attendance is possible, please contact us for the link

  • Monday July 17, 5:00 -7:00 pm: Blue Hill Public Library, Blue Hill
  • Saturday July 22, 9:30-11:30 am: St Brendan, 627 North DI Rd, Deer Isle
  • Tuesday July 25, 5:00-7:00 pm: INSPIRE Center, Ellsworth

Up Coming Community Volunteer Training:

Following an info-session, for those interested more actively engaging with us, our Volunteer Trainings offer a deeper dive into restorative practices as we cover some skill sets using case studies as working examples.

  • Saturday July 29 (9:30-11:30 & 12-2:30 pm) & Tuesday Aug 1 (5-7 pm)

Restorative Schools Network Meeting


DRJ Newsletter


DRJ in Education

Our work with schools 

Downeast Restorative Justice provides professional development for schools. We also provide training, coaching and lead education sessions with students as well.

Our goals are to:

1. Encourage the use of restorative practices in schools (which leads to positive school culture) and promote the use of restorative discipline policies that do not necessarily separate youth from school (e.g. suspensions, etc.), holding them accountable yet connected to school; and, 

2.  Supporting schools that have begun, or are in the process of making, the transition toward a restorative approach with our county-wide school network*. Problem behaviors that can lead to suspension, such as substance use, stealing or fighting, are very often indicators of deeper underlying problems. Restorative practices can prevent problem behavior from escalating into the community or into criminal charges. This approach offers a structure for assessing the needs of the victim, school community and offender in addressing the root causes of problem behaviors.; 

3. Making the CRC referral process directly available to schools when addressing behaviors that lead to suspensions or expulsions (if this incident also entails a juvenile charge, these cases often get referred to the DRJ two months after the fact by the courts). 

Interested in bringing Downeast Restorative Practices to your school? Please contact [email protected]

Download our School and Community Brochure